谷文达,1955年生於上海。祖籍浙江上虞。一九七三年毕业於上海市工艺美术学校。一九八一年毕业於中国美术学院国画研究生班。师从陆俨少先生。获文学硕士学位。一九八一年至一九八七年任教於中国美术学院国画系。一九八七年谷文达获加拿大国家外国访问艺术家奖并在多伦多约克大学举办了其首次在国外的个人展览。於同年移居美国纽约为职业艺术家至今。曾任明尼苏达大学美术系副教授并由明尼苏达州州长授予荣誉州民,纽约库柏联谊客座教授,纽约 P.S.1 美术馆国际艺术家评审,芝加哥艺术学院奖学金评委。二○○○年为美国缅因州立艺术学院荣誉博士候选人。二○○一年澳大利亚国家美术馆为谷文达举办首次回顾展。二○○三年至二○○四年举办谷文达在美国的个人巡回展览。同年,由美国国家艺术基金会和安迪沃荷视觉艺术基金会联合赞助,谷文达的个人画册《从中国文化到生物时代》由美国麻省理工学院出版社出版。此画册获全美博物馆协会二等奖和美国新英格兰地区博物馆协会奖。二○○三至二○○四年,谷文达的专题学术讨论会分别在坎萨斯的耐尔森美术馆和德克萨斯大学举行。谷文达与卢辅圣,徐建融合著的《中国画的世纪之门》由上海科技教育出版社出版。二○○六年何香凝美术馆的当代艺术中心举办谷文达的碑林个展,并由岭南美术出版社出版画册《文化翻译 —谷文达的碑林——唐诗後著》。谷文达的个人展览,国际展和双年展览涉及的国家和地区有中国、香港、日本、韩国、新加坡、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、台湾、澳大利亚、伊朗、俄国、南非、加拿大、智利、墨西哥、以色列、挪威、瑞士、法国、波兰、意大利、荷兰、英国、瑞典、德国、巴西和美国。新近出版的世界美术史权威著作:马丽莲丝塔克期达德的《艺术史》,珍妮•玛卡尔特和史迪分•爱斯克尔森的《艺术、历史和世界的参照构架》,格伦尼斯•以色列的《艺术》,麦可欧瑞利的《在西方艺术之前》,《观念艺术》, 林达温草卑的《在创造过程中》,以及当代美术史书包括英国著名美术史家爱德华•史密斯所著的《今日艺术》,《二十世纪视觉艺术史》,《未来的艺术》均选入了谷文达的作品。谷文达的《联合国》艺术计划被《美国艺术》Art in America 一九九九年三月号作为封面介绍。谷文达的艺术亦在各国的国家电视台上播出介绍。其中包括CCTV 中国中央电视台、上海东方电视台、PBS美国国家广播电视公司、BBC英国国家广播电视公司、ZDF德国国家第二电视台、以及以色列、瑞典、加拿大、澳大利亚、台湾、香港、南非等国家和地区的国家广播电视台。由加拿大温哥华一影片公司摄制的文化文献片《遮盖之下》包括介绍了谷文达以人体材料创作的装置艺术并被温哥华国际电影艺术节和多伦多国际电影艺术节提名为最佳文化文献片。入选纽约自然历史博物馆的玛葛丽特电影艺术节并巡回十所美国大学。 Born in Shanghai, China in 1955. He graduated from Shanghai School of Arts in 1976. In 1981 he received his M.F.A. from China Academy of Arts where he studied under the classical landscape painting master Lu Yanshao and where he taught from 1981 to 1987.Wenda Gu moved to the USA in 1987. He was an associate professor of Studio Art at the University of Minnesota from 1989 to 1990 and received the title of Honorary Minnesotan from the Governor of Minnesota. He has been invited to lecture at various art academies, universities and institutions worldwide. He is a guest artist and adjunct faculty member of Cooper Union in New York. He was a panel member of the International Artists Residence of PS1 Museum in New York in 1995, a panel member of the Student Scholarship Committee of the Chicago Art Institute in 1998, and a jurist for the Macao Arts Festival for the aplication of United Nations World Heritage. in 2003. Gu was a candidate for an honorary doctorate from the Maine College of Art in 2001. Since 1981, Wenda Gu has participated in numerous international solo and group exhibitions and biennales. He had a survey exhibition for the first time in his artistic career at the National Gallery of Australia in 2001-2002. The countries and regions that have shown his work include China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Korea, indonesia, malasia, Israel, Australia, Germany, Norway, France, Russia, The Netherlands, Italy, Britain, Mexico, Switzerland, Sweden, South Africa, Poland, Brazil, Canada, Turkey and the United States.Gu is a co-author of Chinese Ink Painting in the Twenty-First Century published by Shanghai Fine Arts in China. Forthcoming books which will include Gu’s works include: International Perspectives on Art and Culture, Documentary Sources in Contemporary Art, 6th Edition, MIT Press and The New Museum of Contemporary Art, 2004, New York, USA and Janet Marquardt and Stephen Eskilson: Issues in Visual Culture, Laurence King Ltd, 2004, London, England. Gu’s art has been included in such recent art history books as: Janet Marquardt & Stephen Eskilson, “frames of Reference-Art, History, and the world” Mc.Graw Hill Laurence King Ltd Publishing London 2004; Peter Osborne: Conceptual Art, Phaidon Press, London 2002; Glenis Isracl, Artwise, John Willey & Sons Australia Ltd, australia 2003; Edward Lucie-Smith: Art Tomorrow, London 2003; Laura Hoptman and Thomas Pospiszyl: Primaty Documents: A Sourcebook for Eastern and Central European Art Since the 1950s, The Museum of modern Catcforis:Art History, Second Edition, Harry N.Abrams, and Art and MIT Press, USA 2003; Marilyn Stokstad and David of modern Prentice Hall, New York 2001; Michael Kampen O’ Riley: Art Beyond the West, Harry N.Abrams and Prentice Hall, New York 2001; Edward Lucie-Smith: Artoday, Phaidon Press, London 1997; Edward Lucie-Smith: Visual Arts in the Twentieth Century, Abrams, New York 1999, Tradition & Innovation-Twetieth Century Chinese Painting, Hong Kong Museum of Art; Michael Sullivan: Art and Artists of Twentieth Century China, University of Califormia Press, Berkeley; Caroline Tumer: Tradition & Change-Contemporary Art of Asia and the Pacific, University of Queensland Press, Australia; Gao Minglu: Contemporary Art History of China, Shanghai People’s Press and among others. Wenda Gu had his servey exhibition at National Gallery of Australia in 2001 and his first traveling solo exhibition in the US from 2003 to 2004.He has received many awards including the Canada Council for Visiting foreign Artists 1987; Wenda Gu - Art From Middle Kingdom to Biological Millennium, published and distributed by MIT Press in 2003. This book has won two awards in 2004: the second place of The American Museum Association and the publications design award of The New England Museum Association. The award of Art Document magazine, China 2004; He has been selected as one of ten of China’s most influential visual artists of the twentieth century by the Committee of the Forum of Centennial Art of China.His art has been widely discussed and reviewed by important international and national newspapers and magazines. He has been featured in television and radio programs worldwide such as: BBC in Britain, PBS in America, CCAC in China, Second National Television Station in Germany, ABC in Australia, National Television and Radio Station in South Africa, Israel, Sweden, Japan, Vancouver, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Brazil, France, etc. His art was included in a cultural documentary film Under Wraps selected for the Vancouver International Film Festival, Margaret Mead Film & Video Festival in New York, and nominated as the best cultural documentary film in the Toronto International Film Festival in 1997.